250kN Servo-Hydraulic Fatigue Testing System
[MTS Systems, USA]

Located at: CRF New Building


• Unit has two load frames, 250kN and 25kN load capacity and both load frames have axial direction of loading with static and cyclic nature.

In Static test: Tensile, Compression and Bending loading are possible.

In Cyclic or Fatigue test: Tensile-Tensile, Compression-Compression and Tensile-Compression and Bending loading are possible.

• Materials type: Ferrous/Non-Ferrous metals, Metal alloys, Composites, Ceramics, Polymers, etc.

• Geometry of specimens: Round, Flat, CT, SENB, Bending, Wire, etc.


• High & Low cycle fatigue

• Fatigue crack growth

• Fracture toughness

• Crack propagation

• Component strength and durability

• Environmental testing

• Tension, Compression, Bending

• Stress relaxation


Charges are customizable depending upon experiment feasibility, kindly contact Faculty In-charge for more details.

For further Query Contact:

Office-CRF, Email: office.crf@nitk.edu.in

Prof. S. M. Murigendrappa (Faculty in-charge), Mob: +91-9343889072, Email: smm@nitk.edu.in